Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Sharing my thoughts

I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions, but I am one for setting myself goals. At least then I have something to aim for, even if I don't make them.

This coming year has a lot of challenges and hopefully opportunities.

In the political world, education is going to have some serious changes occuring. I am somewhat skeptical of Mr. Gove's vision of education, though I am also looking forward to taking my part in meeting the challenges of change over the next twelve months. Having had the opportunity to step back from education in schools, I do see political change as just one social experiment after another. From a distance, it's interesting to see the effects, but when you're caught up in it, it can be more frustrating. I think the best thing that teachers could do with is no interferance for the next five years - just let them teach and encourage the sharing and evaluation of good practice. No politician will let that happen though.

In my professional world I can see this year is going to transitional. I am hopefully going to be a fully fledged educational researcher by name by the end of the year. Having successfully completed my doctorate, I aim to get one or two papers published from it. I also have just got a small research role evaluating Transition between KS2 and KS3 science and I am also exploring other opportunities for research. I might even go full-time if the right post comes up.

I will continue to write for Badger Publishing. I have six titles to co-write for GCSE 2011. I'm already well into these and enjoying being creative with the new tasks. Also writing with a new-found co-author, Dr. Mark Evans, an Science AST - makes life so much easier and challenging (in a good way).

Personally I hope to have a healthy year, spending quality time with family and friends. Maybe a bit of travel. Being excited by exisiting and new feathered, furry and scaly visitors to my bird table. And maybe by the end of this year, I may be ready to adopt a child...

Watch this space...

Happy New Year


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